The mission of the Cerro Coso Community College library is to facilitate your research. We can help you find specific information and learn how to use the library effectively.
Cerro Coso's robust online collection includes over 30,000 eBooks, 30+ research databases with over 6 million full-text articles, and web resources in dozens of subject areas, all of which can be accessed from any college campus or from home with a student email address and password.
Librarians are available to assist students with research and information competency skills remotely and at select locations. Students are also encouraged to use the "24/7 Chat" box for research assistance. This resource instantly connects users to a skilled research specialist any time of the day or night.
Students interested in borrowing books not found at their campuses should refer to the Interlibrary Loan procedures.
To contact us about visiting a site, check out the Hours & Contact page.
The IWV campus library takes up the first floor of Cerro Coso's Learning Resource Center building. The book collection is arranged by the Library of Congress Classification (LC) order and presently includes over 30,000 volumes on a wide variety of topics, most of which can be checked out. Additionally, over 500 audiovisual materials and several periodical subscriptions are available for use in the library.
Services at IWV:
Other local libraries include the Ridgecrest Branch of the Kern County Library.
The Bishop library is part of the Learning Resource Center, located on the Bishop campus across from the Admissions and Records office, adjacent to the Community Room. The library includes a Reserve collection of textbooks and other course materials. Materials at the Bishop campus cannot be checked out without special permission.
For books to check out, visit the Inyo County Free Library.
Students, staff and faculty at the Mammoth Lakes campus have access to a joint use library operated by the Mammoth County of Education. The main book collection is located at the public library and is arranged according to the Dewey Decimal System. The LRC also houses a Reserve collection of textbooks and other course materials. Materials at the Mammoth Lakes campus cannot be checked out without special permission.
Mammoth students have full access to the Mammoth Lakes branch of the Mono County Free Library.
The Tehachapi Learning Resource Center currently houses the Tehachapi Reserve collection of textbooks and other course materials.
Other local libraries include the Tehachapi branch of the Kern County Library
The Rising Scholars program (formerly the Incarcerated Student Education Program, or ISEP) at the Tehachapi California Correctional Institution has led to a need for college library support.
The library has developed a foundational reference collection of over 400 volumes at Tehachapi for inmate student use.
A brief list of other libraries. Materials from these libraries should be requested using Interlibrary Loan.