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BSAD C100 Guide for Vonetta Mixson: Websites

Library resources for Vonetta Mixson's Business Administration 100: Introduction to Business course.

General Business Websites

Professional Organizations

Professional Development Resources

Evaluating Webpages

When evaluating a resource, especially if it is on the open web, ask yourself a few questions.


  • Who created this resource? Are they qualified to speak on this topic? What do they gain by providing this information?
  • Is this a primary source (original material), a secondary source (evaluation of primary material) or a tertiary source (collection of primary and secondary sources)?
  • Look for the "About Us" section or the author's name and contact information.
  • Verify the organization or author's credentials using an outside source.
  • Red Flags: Anonymous sources, lack of contact information, unqualified authors.


  • What is the resource about? Does it have the information you need?
  • Are there a lot of advertisements? Is it trying to sell you something?
  • Red Flags: Questionable relevancy.


  • Where is the information coming from?
  • Where does the resource get its own information? Do they list references or outside sources?
  • Red Flags: Lack of references or sources of information.


  • When was the resource created?  When was it last updated?
  • Look for dates of publication or last modification. On websites, do not rely on copyright dates, as these are often updated automatically.
  • Red Flags: No publication dates, outdated web links, reference to outdated information.


  • Why does this resource exist and how does that affect the information?
  • Look at the "About Us" or "Purpose" sections.
  • Determine what the purpose is, and choose only resources that are compatible with your information needs.
    • Advocacy: It is trying to persuade you to a particular viewpoint.
    • Informational: It has multiple references or viewpoints.
    • Marketing: It is trying to get you to buy or invest in something.
    • Entertainment: It is trying to entertain you.
  • Red Flags: Obvious bias or conflicts of interest.


  • How accurate or credible is the resource? How is it presented?
  • Examine references and bibliographies.
  • Verify information in another reputable source.
  • Avoid resources with errors in spelling and grammar. This should make you question the accuracy of other information.
  • Red Flags: Grammar and spelling errors, lack of peer review, inaccurate content.