Hello from 2024!
You may or may not be thinking about New Year’s resolutions, but a new year often means a fresh start - whether this means eating more fruits and vegetables or finally tackling your to-read pile (We’re working on it - It’s not our fault that new books keep coming out!).
If you haven’t heard of SMART goals, they’re a fantastic way to create a New Year’s resolution that you can actually accomplish! How do you create a SMART goal? The instructions are in the acronym:
Need some examples? Here are our library goals for the following year:
We want to digitize textbooks (specific) so that our online students can access library materials from home (relevant). Before the end of the year (time-bound), we are pretty sure we can scan 25 (measurable) of them (achievable).
We want to host library workshops over Zoom (specific) so that we can help students learn how to find, use, and cite library resources when they do research (relevant). Before the end of 2024 (time-bound), we’re pretty sure we can hold (achievable) at least 25 workshops (measurable).
We want to make sure our students are getting access to new information (relevant), so we plan to add at least 600 (measurable) new print and electronic books (achievable) to our library catalog (specific) this year (time-bound).
Think we can meet all of our goals? We'll find out in December! In the meantime, try coming up with some SMART goals of your own!
What are your New Year's resolutions?
Photo (cc) Lilla Frerichs