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ENGL C101 Guide for Debilyn Kinzler: MLA Works Cited Citations

A guide for Debilyn Kinzler's English C101 Course

MLA Standard Citation

MLA citations appear in full on the Works Cited list at the end of a research paper. These full citations are built on the idea of containers, using the following format:

Author. Title of source. Title of Container 1, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication Date, Location. Title of Container 2, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication Date, Location.

MLA Print Citations: Books


1 Author:
Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.
2 Authors:
Rudman, Laurie A., and Peter Glick. The Social Psychology of Gender: How Power and Intimacy Shape Gender Relations. Guilford Press, 2008.
3+ Authors:
Belenky, Mary Field, et al. Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind. Basic Books, 1986.
1 Editor:
Landes, Joan B., editor. Feminism, the Public and the Private. Oxford UP, 1998.
2 Editors:
Clements, Patricia, and Isobel Grundy, editors. Virginia Woolf: New Critical Essays. Barnes & Noble, 1983.
1 Translator:
Guiguet, Jean. Virginia Woolf and Her Works. Translated by Jean Stewart, Hogarth Press, 1965.
Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar, editors. The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: The Traditions in English. 3rd ed., vol. 2, W.W. Norton & Co., 2007.
Corporate Author:
National Research Council. Eager to Learn: Educating Our Preschoolers. National Academy Press, 2001.
Corporate Author (Same as Publisher):
MLA Handbook. 8th ed., Modern Language Association of America, 2016.

MLA Print Citations: Articles

Print Articles

Article in an Anthology:
Woolf, Virginia. "Professions for Women." The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: The Traditions in English, edited by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar, 3rd ed., vol. 2, W.W. Norton & Co., 2007, pp. 244-247.
 Magazine Article:
Revenga, Ana L., and Ana Maria Munoz Boudet. "Women's Work." Scientific American, Sept. 2017, pp. 72-77.
Newspaper Article (with pseudonym):
Female Science Professor. "Fear of Feminism." Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 59, no. 33, 26 Apr. 2013, p. A37.

MLA Miscellaneous Citations

Class Lectures

Cornett, Julie. "Week 8: Copyright." Introduction to Library Research and Bibliography: LIBR C100, Cerro Coso Community College, 10 Oct. 2016, Canvas. Class lecture. Accessed 4 Jan. 2017.

Court Cases

Corning Glass Works v. Brennan, 417 US 188, Supreme Court of the US, 1974. LexisNexis Academic.

State Statutes

Cal. Lab. Code Sec. 1197.5, 2016. California Legislative Information, Accessed 12 Sep. 2017.

MLA Online Citations: eBooks


1 Author:
Ellis, Steve. Virginia Woolf and the Victorians. Cambridge UP, 2007. EBSCOhost,
1 Editor:
Humm, Maggie, editor. The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf and the Arts. Edinburgh UP, 2010. EBSCOhost,

MLA Online Citations: Database Articles

Database Articles

Journal Article (with DOI):
Zhang, Nan. "The Genesis of Virginia Woolf's Late Cultural Criticism." Journal of Modern Literature, vol. 40, no. 3, spring 2017, pp. 52-55.
Journal Article (without DOI):
Rosenberg, Beth Carole. "Virginia Woolf: Overview." Feminist Writers, edited by Pamela Kester-Shelton, St. James Press, 1996. Literature Resource Center,
Encyclopedia Article (no author):
"Woolf, (Adeline) Virginia." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2016, p.1. EBSCOhost,
Newspaper Article:
Hore, Rachel. "'A Room of One's Own' by Virginia Woolf." Independent, 18 Oct. 2014. Newspaper Source Plus,

MLA Online Citations: Web & Media Resources

Web Pages

Woolf, Virginia. "A Room of One's Own." Project Gutenberg Australia, July 2015, Accessed 12 Sep. 2017.
Webpage (No Author):
"Virginia Woolf.", Accessed 12 Sep. 2017.
Entire Website:
Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain. The Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain, 1998-2017, Accessed 12 Sep. 2017.
Blog Post:
Brooks, Rebecca Beatrice. "Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Group." The Virginia Woolf Blog, 11 Jan. 2012, Accessed 12 Sep. 2017.


Films on Demand Video:
"Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's Own." Films Media Group, 1990, Accessed 11 Sept. 2017.
YouTube Video:
"Literature: Virginia Woolf." YouTube, uploaded by The School of Life, 18 Sept. 2015,
Beresford, George Charles. Virginia Woolf in 1902. 1902. Wikipedia,
Katz, Alli [@allikatz]. "I would also watch A League of One's Own, the Virginia Woolf baseball movie we've all been waiting for." Twitter, 30 Aug. 2017, 7:16 p.m., Accessed 12 Sep. 2017.

Notes on Formatting Works Cited Citations

  • Elements are separated by commas, except for periods after the author, source title, and the end of each container.
  • If an element like the author or publication date is missing, leave it out and continue to the next element.


  • Begin with the first author's last name, followed by the first name and initials.
  • For two authors, put a comma after the first author's name, add "and" and write the second author's name in normal order.
  • For three or more authors, put a comma after the first author's name, followed by the words "et al." in non-italicized font. Do not list the names of any authors beyond the first one.
  • For usernames, people who go by a single name, those whose names are written surname first, etc., write out the name in normal order.
  • If a government document doesn't list a name, use the source (e.g. U.S. Department of Education, or United States, Congress, House).
  • If the creators are not authors, use a comma followed by a label (e.g. Author, First, editor.)


  • Capitalize the first word and all other major words in the title. 
  • The titles of larger works like books and films are italicized, while shorter works like essays, articles, and poems are in quotes.
  • If the name of another work appears in the title, either italicize it or use quotes, depending on its format as mentioned above. If both the main title and the other work use quotes, put the main title in double quotes and the other work in single quotes. If both would normally be italicized, italicize the main title and use non-italicized standard case for the name of the work within


  • A container is essentially a work that contains another work. For example, a book or journal is a container for a chapter or article. A website may be a container for a webpage.
  • A second container is listed when a work is found somewhere other than its original format, such as an article that is reprinted or posted on a database or on a website. If you get an article from a database, you will need to include information on the journal where it came from (container 1) as well as the database where you found it (container 2).


  • These are people who are not the original creators, such as translators, editors, illustrators, directors, performers, etc.
  • To highlight a key contributor, put them in the author spot. For example, when citing an entire book with an editor, such as anthology, that editor goes in the author spot. If citing a specific chapter or article in that same anthology, however, the author of the chapter goes in the author spot and the editor is listed as a contributor.
  • If the source has no container, start a new section for the contributor, capitalizing the beginning of the section (e.g. Edited by...). If the source has a container such as an anthology, separate the title of the container from the contributor section with a comma and do not capitalize it. (e.g. Anthology, edited by ...)


  • This includes editions, which should be abbreviated "2nd ed." or "Expanded ed."


  • Format using arabic numerals (1, 3, 25), even if volumes and numbers are written out as words or roman numerals.
  • Abbreviate volume as "vol." and issue numbers as "no.", separated by commas.
  • When citing episodes of a television series, write out labels such as "season 15, episode 18."


  • Write out the publisher, company, or institution that created the work in full, including spelling out "&" as "and."
    • "University Press," however, should be abbreviated as "UP."
    • Government agencies can be truncated, such as "U.S. Dept. of ____."
  • Do not repeat the publisher name if it is the same name as the author, journal, website, etc.
  • For websites that host user-created content, check the copyright notice for the publisher or production company. Don't list YouTube as a publisher of a video unless the video was made specifically by YouTube staff. 

Publication Date

  • Include as much specificity in dates as is available, written as "Day Month Year," abbreviating the month when appropriate. (e.g. Oct 2015, 8 Sept. 1954 or 15 June 2021).
  • If a website lists only a copyright date, leave it off. Sometimes websites automatically update the copyright date each year, so it does not necessarily indicate the publication date.
  • If only a season is given, usually in the case of periodicals, include that instead. Do not capitalize it. If it spans several seasons, use a hyphen (e.g. spring-summer 2015).


  • If there is a page range, indicate it with "pp." If the item is only one page long, use "p."
  • If the work is not printed on consecutive pages, include the first page number and a plus sign (e.g. pp. 17+.)
  • If the work appears in a second container, such as a database or streaming service, start a new section. Italicize the database name, followed by a comma and the DOI, permalink, or URL.
  • If there is a digital object identifier (DOI), use that instead of a URL. Turn it into a link by placing "" in front of the DOI number.
  • If there is no DOI for an online resource, use the URL. You do not need to include the "https://" that appears at the front of the URL unless you want to create a hyperlink.
  • Use a permalink (permanent URL) whenever possible. In databases, this is usually an option on the toolbar found on an item record, and not the URL at the top of the browser.
  • If the URL is longer than 3 lines, try to truncate it in such a way as to preserve the host or main website page. Never break the URL by adding a space or line, even if it looks better.
  • If using a website or other source that does not have a publication date or is subject to change without warning, include an accession date at the end: "Accessed Day Mon. Year."
  • If using something that has not been formally published, you may want to include the medium of publication, such as "Lecture" or "Cerro Coso, dissertation" at the very end.

When in doubt, consult your instructor or librarian for assistance!

How to Cite MLA Format (website, book, article, etc.) video [12:47]: