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Cerro Coso LIBRARY

Cerro Coso Library Blog

Library Workshops

by Cerro Coso Library on 2024-02-01T09:00:00-08:00 in Library | 0 Comments

Have you heard about our library workshops, but aren't sure how they work? You're in luck! We'll break down the steps for what you can expect here. Then, join us next Monday for our Spring 2024 workshop kickoff!

What are library workshops?

Library workshops are Zoom events that last approximately one hour. Each session is taught by a Cerro Coso librarian and will focus on a different topic, such as how to use library resources or how to format and cite research papers. You can find out what each session covers in more detail on the library workshop page. These workshops are open to all Cerro Coso students and staff. They're also a great place to ask questions, so don't hesitate to join in! Some classes and programs offer extra credit for attending a session, so make sure you show up and let the moderator know which instructor(s) and course(s) you are attending for. If you aren't sure if this is an option, it never hurts to ask your instructors!

How do I sign up for a library workshop?

You will first need to pre-register for each workshop you'd like to attend! Here's a step-by-step guide on doing this:

  1. Before the workshop begins, visit the library workshop page or scan the QR code on the poster below. 
  2. Click the Register for Workshops button.
  3. Sign in to Canvas using your college login (email address and password)
  4. Under the workshop you want to join, click the "Register for Zoom" button.
  5. Fill out your information, making sure that you use your college email address to register.
  6. Click Register!
  7. You should receive a confirmation email with the link to join the Zoom session. Make sure you don't lose this email!

How do I join the workshop?

  1. At least 15 minutes before the workshop begins, download the Zoom app or make sure you are able to access it on your browser.
  2. At the time of the workshop, click the link in your email!
  3. If you want extra credit, make sure you are signing in with the name and email address you used to register. We need to be able to identify you so we can let your instructor know that you attended!

If you have any questions about library workshops, please email us at

Spring 2024 Library Workshop List

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