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Cerro Coso LIBRARY

Faculty Services: Intro

Library services and resources for faculty.

Welcome to the Library

The Cerro Coso Library is an important resource for our faculty. Please review this guide for information on how we can help you.

Library Services for Faculty

  • Library Orientations
  • Library Tours
  • Research Assistance  
  • Embedded Librarian
  • Tailored Resource Guides (Like this one!)

We can also:

  • Order books, eBooks, DVDs, and other supplemental materials to support your course
  • Place materials on Reserve for students to use in the library
  • Locate Open Educational Resources (OERs) to make your course cost-free to students
  • Meet with you to review how library services can support your class

 Contact us to schedule an appointment or to learn more about how we can assist you. 

Library Instruction

Library Orientations 

In standard library orientations, we will go over how to use the databases and catalogs. We can tailor a session based on research questions your students may use for your class or a specific assignments.  Students may practice using the databases and the catalog using a worksheet. This can be done in the library classroom, your own classroom, or a Zoom session.

Library Tour

Schedule a time time for your students to learn more about the library and the resources available.  Students will learn about the databases and learn how to navigate the catalog.  Students will complete a library scavenger hunt that takes them throughout the library and on the library's website.  

Research Assistance

We are available to meet with you or your students for research assistance and/or MLA or APA citations. 

Embedded Librarian

This is an interactive opportunity in Canvas where we provide library assistance (research and/or citation assistance) for your students. This can be done in a discussion forum or live chat to answer student questions.

Recommend New Titles

Cerro Coso faculty can recommend new titles for purchase. This helps us achieve a collection of adequate scope, depth, and quality.
We purchase:

  • Print Books
  • Encyclopedias
  • EBooks and E-Encyclopedias, when available through Ebscohost or Gale EBooks.
  • DVDs
  • Subject-specific Databases

We purchase textbooks when we are able to obtain equity funding.

Cerro Coso Library

Profile Photo
Cerro Coso Library
3000 College Heights Blvd.
Ridgecrest, CA 93555

Copyright for Instructors

Your use of copyrighted materials in the classroom does not always fall under the fair use exemption in copyright law. To find out what is fair and what is copyright infringement, consult a librarian or review the documents below.