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CC Cares - General Resources: Employment Resources

General Resources for Cerro Coso Students

Owens Valley Career Development Center

Owens Valley Career Development Center

The Owens Valley Career Development Center (OVCDC)  is a Tribal organization providing career education, family literacy, language and temporary assistance services in the seven California Counties of Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings Tulare, Ventura and Mono. A dedicated American Indian organization operating under a consortium of Sovereign Nations. Providing the opportunity for improvement in the quality of life by focusing on education and self-sufficiency while protecting, preserving and promoting our cultures.

For more information services offered, visit:

Mono County Workforce Development Services

Mono County Workforce Services offers a comprehensive range of workforce development activities which promotes an increase in employment, job retention, earnings, and occupational skills development for program participants, resulting in an overall improvement of workforce quality, reduced aid dependence, and increased productivity and competitiveness.

Additionally, Workforce Services is committed to helping businesses with employment and training needs by providing access to a pool of trained and motivated workforce through applicant recruiting and screening, on-the-job and customized training opportunities, and assistance for laid off workers.

Mono County Workforce Services utilizes state and federal funds, and all services are provided free of charge to job seekers and employers.

Also visit the regional America's Job Center website.