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Business Research Guide: Nexis Uni Tutorial

Research tools for finding information about business topics.

Nexis Uni General Tutorial

Nexis Uni Homepage ScreenshotNexis Uni, formerly known as LexisNexis Academic, is a database which contains thousands of newspapers as well as legal cases and business information.

To search,  click the area that says "Search" in large letters and type your keywords. Since Nexis Uni covers many subjects, you will likely want to narrow your search.  You can do this by selecting a field in the "What are you interested in?" section, or by clicking the drop down menu next to the search bar, which defaults to "All Nexis Uni." This drop down menu will let you limit your selection by multiple categories, jurisdictions, or topics.

You can also visit several Topic pages, which contain specific search tools and resources. The Business page, for example, lets you view company dossiers, view recent business news, or research information on companies. The Criminal Justice page lets you search statutes and legislation or view Supreme Court decisions and landmark cases.

Nexis Results Page ScreenshotThe results page automatically defaults to News. If you wish to look at cases, statutes, company information, or a snapshot of everything, select the document type using the column on the left of the screen. 

Results can be sorted by relevance, alphabetically, or chronologically.

If you check the box next to an item, you can print, email, or download it.

If you get a lot of results, you will likely need to narrow your results further. You can select specific locations, publication types, subjects, and more.

Click the title of any document to be taken to its full text.

Nexis Case Text ScreenshotOnce on the document, you can again print, email, or save it. It will appear at the bottom of the screen on small devices - otherwise, it will be at the top. Check the number of pages in your document before printing, as some can be quite long.

When it comes to statutes and court cases, there is a "Copy Citation" button just below the title that allows you to cite the information in standard legal format.

Below that is the case history, term keywords, and a case summary that is especially useful as an abstract of the case.

In the "About this Document" column, there is a list of related content and court materials.