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Adulting 101: Finding Work

Resources for life skills including finances, food, fitness, and more.

Introduction to Finding Work

At some point, you'll probably need money. For most people, that means getting a job or robbing a bank. For the sake of plausible deniability, we'll focus on the former.

The job market is constantly changing. The gig economy is on the rise and the 9-5 job is becoming a rarity. While your parents and grandparents may have been able to walk into a business with a resume in hand, most businesses today prefer to screen potential employees using online algorithms. Higher education is often a requirement for even entry-level positions, but it's not the only thing you need. A good resume, interview skills, and the ability to network can go a long way to getting your foot in the door.

Databases and Websites

Job Board Websites

eBooks on Finding Work

eBooks on Succeeding at Work