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Athletics Research Guide: Athletics

Research tools for finding information about athletics & kinesiology topics.


Here are just a few of the available titles that may help with your research. Search the library catalog for more!

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Library Call Number Sections

Books at Cerro Coso are shelved by subject using Library of Congress call numbers. Here is a breakdown of where to find books on your topic:

  • GV557 - GV1199: Sports. 
  • GV1580 - GV1799: Dancing. 
  • QM1 - QM699: Human anatomy. 
  • QP1 - QP999: Physiology.
  • RC1200 - RC1245: Sports medicine. 

Subject Headings

When looking in the catalog (and some databases) for resources, try searching by subject keyword for more refined results. Here are some general subject headings you may wish to try:

  • Athletes with disabilities
  • Dance
  • Sports
  • Sports for people with disabilities
  • Sports injuries